Sunday, December 11, 2011

Secuestrados (Kidnapped)

I had read about this film in Fangoria magazine a few issues back.  The article had good things to say about it, and being a fan of home invasion movies like Funny Games (1997), Ils (2006), and The Strangers (2008) I was excited to give it a go, so I saved it in my Netflix queue and then forgot about it.  Well it arrived a few days ago, but I had been putting off viewing it due to my weird quirk of only watching Christmas movies during the month of December.  But I also didn't want to send it back without seeing it and it was holding up the line, so after my girlfriend/wife went to bed I popped it in the DVD player.

A little over an hour later I must tell the world about it, or at least those who visit my blog.  I still can't get the final scene out of my head.  WOW!  If you're a fan of the genre, then this one is a must-see!  But if you don't like those hard to watch, stressful and unsettling horror films in which the good guys seldom win, then by all means keep far away from it.  The actors are convincing, the camera work--especially the use of split screen--is outstanding, and the victims' actions during the more upsetting scenes are more than believable.  This movie shows no mercy, and maybe I'm just an optimistic child, but towards its end, I almost believed that everything was going to be okay...then came that final scene.

Movies like Secuestrados make me want to take extreme measures when it comes to securing my home and protecting my family.  And now I get to go to bed, if I can stop thinking about how disturbing it was.

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